Posts in category 'opinion'
Calling All Rebels! Don’t Compare Yourself To Rosa Parks
Madeleine Jenkins, student journalist, explains why Non-Violent Direct Action training should come with a hard-hitting history lesson...

Parenting and Activism
Keira Relton talks first hand about the challenge of raising children as a climate activist.

Beyond The Arrests: Fuelling The Rebellion
Catherine Love shares her experience of the ongoing International Rebellion, and draws attention to the many crucial roles that take place behind the scenes.

Northern Rebellion: Celebrating Climate Activism In Manchester
Catherine Love, freelance arts journalist, shares her thoughts after spending a weekend at the Northern Rebellion.

Extinction Rebellion: Last Chance to Save the World
Michael Regan, PhD student at the University of Lancaster, reviews Ben Zand’s documentary Extinction Rebellion: Last Chance to Save the World?

The Wind in their Sails: XR and Young People
Cath Heinemeyer discusses the need to get young people on board to drive the climate movement

The Struggle For Sustainable Housing
A Mandate For Change, created at Demand A Future on the 21st of June, tackles housing as a central issue for both City of York council and the national government. Gwen Vardigans, Education Lead at the North Yorkshire branch of the Royal College of Nurses, explains why.

Demand A Future – A Perspective by Eve Branston, Co-Ordinator of York’s Pagan Group
Eve Branston, coordinator of York's Kith of the Earthen Star Pagan Group, shares her take on XRYork's recent Demand A Future event.